November 23, 2020Matt Kleinmann, PhD candidate at University of Kansas and co-director of Dotte Agency, speaks on the USDA Farmers to Family Food Box program as well as some of the pivots their mobile market has made during the pandemic.
November 9, 2020An open-forum style call where the following topics were discussed: winter models, shifting to a delivery model, different types of software being used for online ordering, and possible solutions for sourcing challenges.
September 14, 2020An open-forum style call where the following topics were discussed: how to acquire location areas or sites for mobile markets, building relationships with community members, how to work with the neighborhood or community members to support mobile markets, and possible ideas for the future mobile market summit.
August 31, 2020An open-forum style call where the following topics were discussed: preparing for cooler weather markets while still practicing social distancing, sourcing during the fall/winter seasons, loyalty programs, and designing boxes or bundles for maximum acceptability.
August 20, 2020An open forum-style call talking about USDA Farm to Family Food Boxes distribution issues and recent changes, including the need for refrigerated storage/delivery due to meat and dairy options. We also discuss ways to engage your mobile market customers from a distance through activities, raffles, and other approaches.
August 6, 2020As part of the Veggie Van Toolkit Webinar Series (presented by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation), Roberta Cosentino, Fresh2You Mobile Market Manager, Chester County Food Bank (PA) provided us with insights from operating the Fresh2You Mobile Market this summer while observing state regulations on social distancing. She shared experiences and strategies from this season's operations during the pandemic, and answered questions on logistics and best practices. Especially helpful are Roberta's photos and videos of market operations.
July 23, 2020Discussion on local mask requirements and how mobile markets are enforcing masking rules at their market, as well as information on the role mobile markets can play in distributing USDA Farmers to Families Food boxes. The topics of text-based ordering and volunteer distribution coordination using technology were also discussed in this context.
June 29, 2020More updates on operational markets and questions from new markets or interested organizations on operational details fielded by our experienced market operators
June 22, 2020As part of the Veggie Van Toolkit Webinar Series (presented by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation), Jordyn Appel, Program Director of the Local Motive Mobile Farmers Market (Feast Down East) serving Wilmington, NC, provides a presentation of her market's operational plan and provides on-the-ground experiences of implementation over the past month of the pandemic.
June 15, 2020Florence Clemmons of Foodlink in Rochester, NY provides details of their traditional farmers market and food distribution programs re-opening, as well as upcoming pilots of their mobile Curbside Market and the plans employed to execute these pilots. General market Q&A and updates from other operational markets.
June 8, 2020Market operational updates and related Q&A, including operational plans and details of physical plans for operations; an increasing number of markets are preparing to re-open or have re-opened at this point.
June 1, 2020More updates from operating mobile markets, as well as how distributing USDA Farmers to Families food boxes has been going for those organizations doing so. Discussion of operations for those markets preparing to open in the coming weeks.
May 18, 2020Updates from markets who have started operating, or are planning to launch their market shortly. Also, discussion of distributing USDA Farmers to Families food boxes in conjunction with market operations, as well as other free food distribution programs made available during the pandemic.
May 6, 2020Discussion on sourcing, including receiving commodity boxes via the USDA Farmers to Families Food Distribution Program. We continued talking about the Farmers' Truck SMS ordering system in development in cooperation with mobile market operators. Operational details from mobile markets preparing to launch in the coming weeks.
April 29, 2020Our third open call on mobile market responses to COVID-19 includes discussion of an SMS-based ordering system for those who are unable to access the internet. Frederic LaForge of the Farmers Truck is spearheading the effort and is looking for mobile market participants for the pilot program. We also continue our conversation on establishing a Mobile Market Coalition.
April 22, 2020Our second open call for mobile market operators regarding operational challenges during COVID-19. Topics include transitioning to online ordering models, reaching your community when the majority of your customers are not online, and the establishment of a Mobile Market Coalition.
April 15, 2020Our first open call for mobile market operators to share strategies, barriers, and successes to operating and or opening their markets during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Erin Close, Mobile Market Director, Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture shares her operations plan for running the Arcadia Mobile Market in adherence to Washington, DC safety guidelines. |
This site is managed by the University at Buffalo's Community Health Intervention Lab